Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
Boeing 787 first flight
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
A Change in Lifestyle lifestyle on the net It is a fact, that snoring not only endangers the relationship of most couple, the sleeping disorder is also applicable to all sorts of people that have it. The effect of snoring to the social relationship of those who have it is quite serious. A mere snore has the possibility of developing into sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder wherein the individual who have it will stop breathing for about sixty long seconds. That is the reason why snoring must not be taken lightly, snoring is a life threatening malady.
Also, recent studies and research shows that snoring may also lead to diabetes. The reason for that is because snoring reduces the oxygen intake of the body, as a result, the human body will then produce more catecholamines to compensate for that. And that may lead to the one of the most prominent symptom of diabetes, which is insulin resistance.
Most of us probably have asked ourselves why people snore. Let is probe further. When a person sleeps, the air goes through its nose, throat and lastly the lungs. Normally, this process is unimpeded and somewhat noiseless. However, the flow of the air passage will eventually get disrupted. This is somewhat natural mainly because of certain aspects, such as clogged nose, or in some cases, the bottom of the tongue is obstructs the breathing.
The most common cause of snoring is because the soft tissue in the throat or the upper palate vibrates. And once the air passage is obstructed as it goes through to the lungs, the problem arises. Loud snoring is basically the result of the hindered air flow that goes through the narrow tissue in the throat or upper palate.
But how do we lessen snoring, or better yet, stop this sleeping disorder?
Truthfully, there is no specific general solution for that predicament. On the other hand, numerous solutions have been made to assist individuals that are suffering from this problem.
The most practical solution for that problem is by changing into a healthy lifestyle. Also, there are now numerous medications – prescribed and herbal – that not only help reduce snoring but also may eliminate the disorder once and for all. There are also some mouth and throat exercises that broaden and tighten the throat to reduce snoring.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Savannah Doll House
The Savannah Dollhouse is a large 6 room mansion that stands over 4 feet tall! It is decorated as a true southern style mansion and comes completely furnished with 14 pieces of hand built wooden furniture. Very elegant!
Minggu, 15 November 2009
Tinker Toys Marketing
If you're not familiar with these, they're kid's toys with pieces or components that fit together to make something bigger and more complex - a machine you can play with.
And if everything isn't put together correctly, the machine doesn't run and do what it was meant to do.
On Sunday night I announced the Web site ToolKit to the InfoGuru Support Forum and discovered that in the process of people ordering the ToolKit, a few parts of my online "marketing machine" were broken.
They were easily fixed but it got me thinking about how everything in marketing is much like this: it either works flawlessly or it breaks down because some component wasn't properly attached to the other components.
This is one reason why so many marketing activities don't produce the result they were designed to do: attract more clients. We go through the motions; it *looks* like marketing but the "machine" has actually broken down and we don't realize it.
Here are three "marketing machines" you may be familiar with:
Networking - You decide to get into networking and spend a lot of time at events meeting people, but you attract very few clients. Are all your marketing components in place and working? Personal presentation, Audio Logo, asking questions, business card, article to send to potential prospects, the follow up call.
Speaking - You want to give talks to potential clients, but it's hard to book presentations, let alone attract clients. Which marketing of these components need work? Speaker's kit, phone call to organizations, talk promotion, the talk itself, overheads and handouts, a call-to-action, your follow-up email and call to interested prospects.
Web Site - You have a web site but you're disappointed in the results you're getting. Have you missed some of the components or failed to fine-tune them? Quality design and text format, page headlines, outline of problems, addressing prospects' issues, case studies, detailed service information, free information, eZine signup, optimized for search engines.
Every single marketing machine you create will usually work a lot better if you do the following things:
1. Do some research. Find out what works from someone who has experience. Books, manuals, online courses, consultants and coaches should all be considered. Don't try to make this stuff up, copy success.
2. Create a plan. What are you going to do and when are you going to do it? What resources do you need? What information do you have to assemble? What written or online materials are required? Do you need to rehearse or test before you "go live."
3. Give it your best shot. Pay attention to the details - all the components that need to fit together for the marketing machine to work. Fine-tune and adjust as you go. Try to look from the prospect's points of view. Be flexible while still making a commitment to do the best you can do.
4. Evaluate and readjust. Some things probably went well, some could have been better, and others were total flops. Document what worked and what didn't, so the next time you can do even better. Work at developing a bullet-proof marketing machine that gets results every time.
If you don't take these steps, all you can expect from your marketing is random results. You won't have a marketing machine that's designed to attract clients consistently. Your marketing will be like a broken tinker toy - useless and no fun to play with.
Think of your marketing as a machine with several essential components that all have to work in harmony to produce the marketing results you desire - more clients attracted to your business.
Senin, 09 November 2009
Mbah Gendeng
Sebagai pemula saya tidak tahu apa-apa yang menyebabkan halaman tersebut tidak masuk dan belum juga terindex dengan baik. Tapi daripada blog ini didiamkan sekian lama dan sama sekali tidak melakukan update apapun kesempatan ada ide postingan untuk melakukan update di salah satu blog yang terbengkalai ini.
Mbah gendeng sedang menjadi topik pembicaraan di kalangan para blogger, bukan karena kemampuan supranatural atau kemampuan dia dalam bidang klenik, akan tetapi mbah gendeng sedang mempunyai hajatan yang biasa disebut kontes Belajar SEO.
Kontes mengejar kata kunci “mbah gendeng “ dengan menjadikan d sebagai jurinya sampai waktu akhir kontes ini siapa yang nongol di tempat pertama dialah yang keluar sebagai pemenang,
Mungkin mbah gendeng sendang ingin mengambarkan keadaan dunia sekarang ini yang semakin gendeng, kita tahu bawa banyak sekali pemberitaan yang tidak sepantasnya dilakukan oleh seorang anak manusia akan tetapi pada jaman sekarang itu sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah dan menjadi hal yang wajar, dengan kata mbah gendeng mungkin kita akan dingatkan kepada kegendengan yang telah terjadi selama ini.
Atau mungkin mbah gendeng sendang mempraktekan ilmu dengan minta dukungan dari para blogger Indonesia dan mengadakan hajatan yang katanya dikaitkan dengan ulang tahunya yang jatuh pada bulan januari 2010 ini, entah apa tujuan dari kontes seo ini.
Yang jelas kontes mbah gendeng ini adalah salah satu kontes seo yang akhir-akhir ini sendang menjadi trend guna meningkatkan kemampuan dan keahlian para blogger dalam hal optimasi kata kunci, dimana di Indonesia blogger sudah menjadi trend dan hobby di kalangan masyarakat, harapan saya Cuma satu semoga semakin jaya para blogger Indonesia dengan adanya kontes-kontes seperti ini.
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Points To Ponder While Going For A Custom Logo Design
Master SEO Indonesia - When you think it's time to design a logo for your business, you should consider some important points to get an attractive and powerful logo as your brand identity. In this article you will find some useful tips to remember while you are up to designing a logo for your own business.
Your logo should be simple:
Simplicity is the key to success in every mode of life, and same is applied to the logo designing. Logos, which are designed simple, are comparatively more attractive and powerful. For instance, the logo of Coca-Cola or the logo of Nike, these logos are designed very simple but look very attractive to the eyes. Hence, avoid clutter, and acquire a logo that should be simple in appearance.
It should be Unique:
One of the most important considerations during logo design process is that, you need to make it unique and don't let it to resemble with any famous logo. Otherwise you may suffer with trademark infringement and lawsuit.
Moreover, if you fail to design a unique emblem for your business, you will ultimately fail to create a unique brand image in the mind of your existing and potential customers. Thus, make sure that your logo will not become a look-alike of any other existing logo.
It should be scalable:
Scalability or resizeability should be a concern of priority during the brand identity creation process. You will certainly go for marketing and branding your business once your logo being designed. Therefore, make sure that it should be resized as small as to be fit on a pen and as big as to go with billboard.
It should look good in black and white:
Even in these days, when everything is online, you still need your logo to look good in black and white. Because you may need to get your logo printed on the marketing collateral in black and white format. For example, you will need to fax a letterhead to your client or customer. Therefore, don't forget to get a black and white version of your logo from your designer.
It shouldn't be cluttered with too many colors:
While color is the key factor in making your logo attractive, keep in mind that your logo should not be overwhelmed with too many different colors. It's better to use not more than three colors to create a simple but distinct brand symbol.
It should be identifiable and recognizable:
After all, the most important custom logo design consideration is to make it identifiable and recognizable for your target audience. Logos are made for long term, and if you design a logo that cannot portray the right image of your business, you will eventually fail to brand your business or product. So, in the last, make sure that your branding tool should be identifiable and recognizable for public at large.
Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009
Glass Mosaic Tile Art: Creating Mosaic Tables
Start with an unfinished table from a local or online store that deals in unfinished furniture. If you buy online, shop around because you can oftentimes find the same products in a wide price range. Search for "unfinished furniture" and you'll get tons of hits. The pieces that I buy are usually made of parawood, which is a hard wood from the Malaysian rubber plantations. Its density compares to birch or ash and its strength rates the same as maple.
Stain, seal, and finish the table with high-quality products. Use rags or paintbrushes to apply the stain and topcoat. If using rags, I suggest wearing plastic gloves. Check your local super center for a box of a ga-zillion of them for only a few bucks. They're cheap, but they work. Wood furniture can also be painted for dramatic results. For example, white is a nice color for breezy, beachy decors. The protective topcoat over stain or paint can be gloss, semi-gloss, or satin, depending on your preference.
Prepare the table top to receive the stained glass by painting it with white primer. The white color helps make the stained glass look bright and beautiful when laid in-place. Although a piece of stained glass may appear opaque, it oftentimes is merely translucent and the white background of the table top helps keep the glass color bright. Draw the stained glass pattern directly on the painted table top.
Following the pattern, measure and cut each piece of stained glass using the appropriate tool, which depends on the piece's shape and complexity. Grind the edges of each piece to remove all sharp edges. This ensures exposed edges on the tabletop are blunt so no one can injure themselves when dusting, wiping, cleaning, or otherwise using the tabletop.
Most online stained glass stores offer decent glass grinders between $90 and $150. Sometimes the local hobby store has them for sale at half price. You don't need the heavy-duty, industrial-strength, super-duper grinder that costs $250. The cheap $100 unit is usually just fine for the average glass crafter. If you work with stained glass and glass tiles, then you ought to bite the bullet and buy a glass grinder.
When all the stained-glass pieces are in-place, apply the grout. After the grout cures, apply a high-quality grout sealer to help protect the grout color from dirt and spills. After the sealer thoroughly dries, clean and buff the glass with paper towels or a clean, soft cloth.
For a nice added touch, sign the furniture piece on the bottom side of the tabletop using a permanent felt-tip pen. The result is a beautiful piece of art that serves a functional purpose in the home or office. Each piece of stained glass mosaic furniture is truly unique, even when using the same pattern because no two glass pieces can be hand-cut exactly the same.
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
Persiapan Syuting Film Menculik Miyabi Jalan Terus
Hal itu dikemukakan produser film Menculik Miyabi, Ody Mulya Hidayat, di kantornya di kawasan Mangga Dua, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (12/10).
Sejak muncul ide mendatangkan Miyabi ke Indonesia untuk bermain dalam film Menculik Miyabi, kata Ody, dia sangat yakin gagasannya itu akan jadi kenyataan. Namun, mendadak semua itu terganggu tatkala muncul banyak tekanan dan penolakan Miyabi datang ke Indonesia.
”Kini, malah jadi masalah, dan akibatnya lumayan. Saat ini saya pusing dengan berbagai tekanan. Ternyata hal ini pun dirasakan pihak manajemen dan Miyabi sendiri. Namun, konsensus kami sudah tetap bahwa produksi film Menculik Miyabi terus berjalan, tapi dalam waktu yang belum ditentukan,” ujar Ody.
Kata Ody, tekanan yang sampai ke manajemen Miyabi memungkinkan jadwal kedatangan Miyabi dan proses produksi film diundur.
Dia mengaku tak habis pikir, apa yang jadi idenya justru menimbulkan ekses negatif yang begitu tinggi.
”Ide mendatangkan Miyabi dan menjadikannya bintang utama dalam film Menculik Miyabi ini sudah muncul sejak enam bulan lalu. Awalnya, saya merasakan bagaimana kondisi film produksi Indonesia mulai surut dalam kurun dua tahun terakhir. Kini sebuah film bisa ditonton 500.000 orang saja sudah hebat,” katanya.
Minimnya jumlah penonton film itu, kata Ody, kemungkinan karena masyarakat sudah bosan dengan jenis film yang ada, termasuk artis-artisnya. Maka, ide untuk mencampurkan pemain asing dan pemain lokal pun muncul.
”Itulah awalnya kenapa muncul ide mendatangkan Miyabi,” ujarnya.
”Saat itu kami mencari-cari lewat internet, siapa saja artis asing yang bagus, tapi dengan tarif kontrak yang cukup terjangkau. Alasan utamanya, ini bisnis yang harus menguntungkan, dan tetap jadi pilihan sebagai sebuah hiburan yang sehat. Jadi, bukan seperti anggapan yang ada sekarang bahwa ini nanti sama dengan film porno atau vulgar,” tutur pria yang sudah memproduseri 17 film lokal itu.
Ekses negatif ini memang tidak diduga oleh Ody. Pihak Maxima Pictures sebagai distributor dan rumah produksi film Menculik Miyabi harus menerima eskes negatif itu, salah satunya, kantor mereka didemo oleh massa dari sebuah LSM.
Ody pernah mengatakan, untuk melakukan kontrak dengan pihak manajemen Miyabi sangat tidak mudah dan butuh biaya besar.
”Sejumlah pembicaraan dan negosiasi kami lakukan hingga ke beberapa negara di mana Miyabi sedang berada. Nah, saat sudah ada lampu hijau, ternyata masalah datang. Seharusnya, orang tidak melihatnya dari satu sisi saja. Kenapa kesan porno itu yang selalu dimunculkan?" ujar pria yang pernah mendapat julukan sebagai produser khusus film horor ini.
Namun, semangat untuk tetap berkarya membuat film tampak jelas dari wajah dan suara lantang Ody. Pengalaman pernah mendapatkan cacian dari banyak orang tentang film horornya yang dinilai terlalu vulgar menampilkan lekuk tubuh wanita membuat Ody yakin bahwa dia masih bisa membuat film yang lebih baik.
”Saat ini kami akan mengatur jadwal ulang kedatangan Miyabi dan persiapan proses produksi film Menculik Miyabi. Sebab, kami tidak ingin masalah yang masih cukup hangat di masyarakat muncul lagi dan akhirnya mengganggu proses produksi," kata Ody.
Hal itu pun, kata dia, mendapat tanggapan positif dari pihak manajemen Miyabi. Yang jelas, persiapan tetap jalan, dan kami masih akan menentukan di mana lokasi terbaik untuk mulai syuting film berjenis komedi remaja ini.
Rabu, 23 September 2009
Separuh Jiwaku Pergi MP3 Download
Sambil iseng mencari Download MP3 Gratis untuk refreshing untuk salah satu album anang yang sekarang sudah tanpa krisdayanti yaitu album yang membuat saya penasaran karena mengungkapkan isi hati seorang anang di lagu Separuh Jiwaku Pergi. Semoga saya bisa mendapatkan lagu tersebut yang bisa di download dengan gratis.
Banyak sekali lagu-lagu baru Indonesia baik musik pop, reggae dangdut dan lain-lain akan tetapi saya lebih tertarik untuk mencari lagu anang separuh jiwaku pergi, bukan dalam rangka menikmati serunya belajar seo ini betul-betul karena saya membutuhkan lagu milik anang ini untuk dinikmati di dalam kesendirian.
Malam ini seperti malam-malam sebelumnya susah sekali memejamkan mata, saya tetap akan mencoba mencari lagu mp4 separuh jiwaku pergi yang dinyanyikan oleh anang setelah proses pencerainnya dengan krisdayanti yang merupakan ungkapan hati karena dikhianati oleh seorang istri.
Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009
Toko Action Figures tidak terindex
Mau berhenti dulu melakukan optimasi di kata kunci tersebut, karena blog ini akan fokus di Toko Action Figure Indonesia, semoga cepat terindex postingan pendek selepas buka puasa ini. Biasanya google lebih cepat melakukan index halaman yang tidak terlalu panjang dan membingungkan.
Saya berharap postingan pendek ini bisa terindex, saya mau istirahat dulu dari optimasi seo dan optimasi blog. Saya mau jalan-jalan dulu refreshing dan menghilangkan kepenatan di kepala.
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Stop Dreaming Start Action
Tadinya Blog Toko Action Figures Indonesia ini berniat mengikuti kontes SEO tersebut, akan tetapi nyali menjadi ciut saat melihat lawan-lawan yang begitu tanggung yang ikut bersaing di kontes seo Stop Dreaming Start Action. Saya memilih meneruskan dreaming dan tidak ikut action bertarung dengan sahabat-sahabat blogger lainnya di keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action.
Alasan pertama memang saya tidak punya skill dan kemampuan alasan keduanya kalau mau total bertarung di kontes seo yang sudah jelas menguras tenaga waktu dan pikiran, apa yang mau total karena saya tidak begitu mengerti dengan SEO baik Teknik SEO ataupun Tips SEO untuk memenangkan Kontes.
Untuk para peserta calon pemenang kontes seo stop dreaming start action selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, saya mau berangkat shalat tarawih dulu.
Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009
Spider Man Classics Action Figures
Mau mencari berita tentang Spiderman Action Figures sekalian mencari action figures toys store atau toko action figure Indonesia yang lengkap dan murah. Di Indonesia memang agak jarang orang yang menjual Action Figures yang asli, kita selalu harus membali dari luar negeri jika menginginkan action figures dengan kualitas tinggi, padahal para pembuat action figures di Indonesia cukup banyak dan mampu memproduksi action figure yang berkualitas dalam rangka mewujudkan Stop dreaming Start Action.
I literally blew the dust off of this bootleg toy in order to post it up on this site.
Among the Superhero genre, Batman, Superman and Spider-Man have to be the most bootlegged of all the super hero characters. This following bootleg toy is one of the better packaged ones I’ve come across.
It’s a boxed set called Spider-Man Classics (Yes, it’s nothing like the ‘real’ toy line). It’s a sweet looking set that comes with a couple of weapons and a Spidey shield.
Of course, since I bought the thing, the stand has slipped off of the twisties that were holding it up.
This bootleg toy comes with a ten inch Spidey figure, a couple of weapons and a Spidey shield. I’ve had this toy since at least 2003. Most bootleg toys come in packaging that is pretty flimsy. This particular toy comes in a well constructed box that can stand up to some pressure. The package states a 6″ figure is packaged, but I got the treat of a much larger figure.
Here’s a shot of the back of the box. Nothing special about it. Just a rip off of some Spider-Man artwork.
It’s not really visible in the picture, but the paint job of this figure leaves a little bit to be desired. I’m not going to complain much though. This was a well packaged bootleg toy. I never took the toy out of the box, so I really can’t speak to the playability (is that a word) of the Spidey figure. Five will get you ten that the back of the figure isn’t painted.
Still, isn’t this bootleg toy a pretty thing to look at?This toy just reminds me of how well packaged bootleg toys used to be. Nowawdays, if a bootleg toy comes in a box, the chances are the box is made of some pretty flimsy cardboard that can be crushed just by sneezing on it.
This bootleg Spidey figure is one of my favorite Spidey bootlegs. I like it so much that I let it lay in the bottom of a box for years and years. Can you just imagine how I’d treat this toy if I didn’t like it?
Rabu, 29 Juli 2009
Spiderman Action Figures di Toko Action Figure

Untuk anda yang mau mengetahui informasi selanjutnya mengenai harga-harga action figure maupun pembuat action figure di Indonesia bisa daftar menjadi listener blog ini.
Dalam rangka mensukseskan Stop Dreaming Start Action, kami akan melakukan update kontinu jika ada informasi-informasi penting bagi sahabat-sahabat yang sama-sama hobi mengkoleksi action figures baik action figures tokoh luar negeri maupun action figure Indonesia.
Saya baru mendapatkan kiriman action figure Spiderman, Batman dan Superman dengan harga yang relatif sangat murah. Di postingan selanjutnya saya akan memperlihatkan foto dan harga action figures yang saya dapatkan.
Selasa, 21 Juli 2009
Serial Bleach Action Figures

Serial Bleach mulai diterbitkan sejak tahun 2001, dan semenjak penerbitannya, serial ini sudah diadaptasi menjadi sebuah serial anime, dua buah OVA (Video Animasi Orisinil), satu film layar lebar, satu musikal rock, dan beberapa judul video game. Kompilasi manga (Tankōbon) Bleach sudah terjual sebanyak 39 juta kopi di Jepang. Manga ini diserialkan dalam mingguan Shonen Jump.
Bleach bercerita tentang Ichigo Kurosaki, seorang pelajar SMA yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat arwah, dan juga Rukia Kuchiki, seorang shinigami (dewa kematian) yang pada suatu hari bertemu dengan Ichigo sewaktu sedang memburu arwah jahat yang disebut hollow.
Pada saat Rukia bertarung melawan hollow tersebut, ia terluka dan oleh sebab itu ia tidak memiliki jalan lain selain memindahkan kekuatan shinigami-nya kepada Ichigo.
Sejak saat inilah petualangan Ichigo dan Rukia dimulai. Mereka berdua bertualang mencari dan melawan para hollow dan melaksanakan upacara penguburan arwah untuk para arwah gentayangan.
Dengan upacara ini, para arwah gentayangan menerima pembersihan dan mereka dapat dikirim ke Soul Society (surga atau nirwana, yaitu akhirat dalam cerita ini). Bagian awal dari cerita ini difokuskan kepada karakter-karakter dan masa lalu mereka, dan bukan terfokus pada dunia pekerjaan shinigami. Seiring jalannya cerita, hal-hal seperti kehidupan shinigami di Soul Society mulai terungkap sedikit demi sedikit.
Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009
Action Figures

Biasanya para kolektor action figures mencari barang seperti ini ke luar negeri dengan harga jutaan rupiah, anak bangsa Indonesia saat ini sudah memulai membuat dan memasarkan Action Figures yang berisi tokoh-tokoh lokal maupun internasional dengan harga terjangkau.
Action figure (dibaca eksyen figur) adalah mainan berkarakter yang berpose, terbuat dari plastik atau material lainnya dan karakternya sering diambil berdasarkan film, komik, video game atau acara televisi.
Action figures ini sering dipasarkan memang untuk anak lelaki. Action figur yang bisa diganti-ganti pakaiannya sering disebut sebagai action doll (boneka aksi) sebagai sebuah perbedaan dari action figur yang pakaiannya tidak bisa diganti-ganti atau sudah dicetak.
Action figure sangat terkenal dikalangan anak lelaki karena mereka melambangkan suatu sifat maskulin. Awalnya action figure dibuat hanya untuk pasaran anak-anak, kemudian action figure telah berkembang menjadi sebuah barang koleksi bagi para kolektor Action Figures dewasa dan telah diproduksikan secara spesifik untuk orang dewasa.
Dalam hal ini, barang yang dipandang secara cermat adalah mainan yang semata-mata hanya untuk dipajang.
Rabu, 15 Juli 2009
Koleksi Action Figure Indonesia
Banyak sekali pilihan action figure yang bisa dijadikan bahan koleksi dan melengkapi lemari mainan anak anda, ataupun koleksi action figures favorit anda. Mencari action figures dengan harga yang murah dan meriah.
Biasanya yang koleksi action figure ini kebanyakan malah orang dewasa, dikarenakan beberapa harga action figures cukup mahal, walaupun tidak sedikit harga murah dan bersaing dari action figure ini.