Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita : Every organization, whether small or large, go for designing a logo for its business. And in these days and age, with immense competition, it's hard to get identified and build a strong brand image. Therefore, every business owner in this regard should give a reasonable amount of time for designing a branding element i.e. logo.
Master SEO Indonesia - When you think it's time to design a logo for your business, you should consider some important points to get an attractive and powerful logo as your brand identity. In this article you will find some useful tips to remember while you are up to designing a logo for your own business.
Your logo should be simple:
Simplicity is the key to success in every mode of life, and same is applied to the logo designing. Logos, which are designed simple, are comparatively more attractive and powerful. For instance, the logo of Coca-Cola or the logo of Nike, these logos are designed very simple but look very attractive to the eyes. Hence, avoid clutter, and acquire a logo that should be simple in appearance.
It should be Unique:
One of the most important considerations during logo design process is that, you need to make it unique and don't let it to resemble with any famous logo. Otherwise you may suffer with trademark infringement and lawsuit.
Moreover, if you fail to design a unique emblem for your business, you will ultimately fail to create a unique brand image in the mind of your existing and potential customers. Thus, make sure that your logo will not become a look-alike of any other existing logo.
It should be scalable:
Scalability or resizeability should be a concern of priority during the brand identity creation process. You will certainly go for marketing and branding your business once your logo being designed. Therefore, make sure that it should be resized as small as to be fit on a pen and as big as to go with billboard.
It should look good in black and white:
Even in these days, when everything is online, you still need your logo to look good in black and white. Because you may need to get your logo printed on the marketing collateral in black and white format. For example, you will need to fax a letterhead to your client or customer. Therefore, don't forget to get a black and white version of your logo from your designer.
It shouldn't be cluttered with too many colors:
While color is the key factor in making your logo attractive, keep in mind that your logo should not be overwhelmed with too many different colors. It's better to use not more than three colors to create a simple but distinct brand symbol.
It should be identifiable and recognizable:
After all, the most important custom logo design consideration is to make it identifiable and recognizable for your target audience. Logos are made for long term, and if you design a logo that cannot portray the right image of your business, you will eventually fail to brand your business or product. So, in the last, make sure that your branding tool should be identifiable and recognizable for public at large.
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009
Glass Mosaic Tile Art: Creating Mosaic Tables
How do you create lovely stained glass mosaic tables? Once you know these basic steps, your creativity can take over. If you want something truly unique in a mosaic table, forget the many common styles of round mosaic bistro tables on metal stands that look they were produced on an assembly line. Instead, try integrating a beautiful stained glass design onto the table top of a piece of real-wood furniture.
Start with an unfinished table from a local or online store that deals in unfinished furniture. If you buy online, shop around because you can oftentimes find the same products in a wide price range. Search for "unfinished furniture" and you'll get tons of hits. The pieces that I buy are usually made of parawood, which is a hard wood from the Malaysian rubber plantations. Its density compares to birch or ash and its strength rates the same as maple.
Stain, seal, and finish the table with high-quality products. Use rags or paintbrushes to apply the stain and topcoat. If using rags, I suggest wearing plastic gloves. Check your local super center for a box of a ga-zillion of them for only a few bucks. They're cheap, but they work. Wood furniture can also be painted for dramatic results. For example, white is a nice color for breezy, beachy decors. The protective topcoat over stain or paint can be gloss, semi-gloss, or satin, depending on your preference.
Prepare the table top to receive the stained glass by painting it with white primer. The white color helps make the stained glass look bright and beautiful when laid in-place. Although a piece of stained glass may appear opaque, it oftentimes is merely translucent and the white background of the table top helps keep the glass color bright. Draw the stained glass pattern directly on the painted table top.
Following the pattern, measure and cut each piece of stained glass using the appropriate tool, which depends on the piece's shape and complexity. Grind the edges of each piece to remove all sharp edges. This ensures exposed edges on the tabletop are blunt so no one can injure themselves when dusting, wiping, cleaning, or otherwise using the tabletop.
Most online stained glass stores offer decent glass grinders between $90 and $150. Sometimes the local hobby store has them for sale at half price. You don't need the heavy-duty, industrial-strength, super-duper grinder that costs $250. The cheap $100 unit is usually just fine for the average glass crafter. If you work with stained glass and glass tiles, then you ought to bite the bullet and buy a glass grinder.
When all the stained-glass pieces are in-place, apply the grout. After the grout cures, apply a high-quality grout sealer to help protect the grout color from dirt and spills. After the sealer thoroughly dries, clean and buff the glass with paper towels or a clean, soft cloth.
For a nice added touch, sign the furniture piece on the bottom side of the tabletop using a permanent felt-tip pen. The result is a beautiful piece of art that serves a functional purpose in the home or office. Each piece of stained glass mosaic furniture is truly unique, even when using the same pattern because no two glass pieces can be hand-cut exactly the same.
Start with an unfinished table from a local or online store that deals in unfinished furniture. If you buy online, shop around because you can oftentimes find the same products in a wide price range. Search for "unfinished furniture" and you'll get tons of hits. The pieces that I buy are usually made of parawood, which is a hard wood from the Malaysian rubber plantations. Its density compares to birch or ash and its strength rates the same as maple.
Stain, seal, and finish the table with high-quality products. Use rags or paintbrushes to apply the stain and topcoat. If using rags, I suggest wearing plastic gloves. Check your local super center for a box of a ga-zillion of them for only a few bucks. They're cheap, but they work. Wood furniture can also be painted for dramatic results. For example, white is a nice color for breezy, beachy decors. The protective topcoat over stain or paint can be gloss, semi-gloss, or satin, depending on your preference.
Prepare the table top to receive the stained glass by painting it with white primer. The white color helps make the stained glass look bright and beautiful when laid in-place. Although a piece of stained glass may appear opaque, it oftentimes is merely translucent and the white background of the table top helps keep the glass color bright. Draw the stained glass pattern directly on the painted table top.
Following the pattern, measure and cut each piece of stained glass using the appropriate tool, which depends on the piece's shape and complexity. Grind the edges of each piece to remove all sharp edges. This ensures exposed edges on the tabletop are blunt so no one can injure themselves when dusting, wiping, cleaning, or otherwise using the tabletop.
Most online stained glass stores offer decent glass grinders between $90 and $150. Sometimes the local hobby store has them for sale at half price. You don't need the heavy-duty, industrial-strength, super-duper grinder that costs $250. The cheap $100 unit is usually just fine for the average glass crafter. If you work with stained glass and glass tiles, then you ought to bite the bullet and buy a glass grinder.
When all the stained-glass pieces are in-place, apply the grout. After the grout cures, apply a high-quality grout sealer to help protect the grout color from dirt and spills. After the sealer thoroughly dries, clean and buff the glass with paper towels or a clean, soft cloth.
For a nice added touch, sign the furniture piece on the bottom side of the tabletop using a permanent felt-tip pen. The result is a beautiful piece of art that serves a functional purpose in the home or office. Each piece of stained glass mosaic furniture is truly unique, even when using the same pattern because no two glass pieces can be hand-cut exactly the same.
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
Persiapan Syuting Film Menculik Miyabi Jalan Terus
Meski kedatangan bintang panas asal Jepang, Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi (23), yang semula dijadwalkan tanggal 14 Oktober tertunda hingga waktu yang belum ditentukan, rencana pembuatan film Menculik Miyabi tetap berjalan.
Hal itu dikemukakan produser film Menculik Miyabi, Ody Mulya Hidayat, di kantornya di kawasan Mangga Dua, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (12/10).
Sejak muncul ide mendatangkan Miyabi ke Indonesia untuk bermain dalam film Menculik Miyabi, kata Ody, dia sangat yakin gagasannya itu akan jadi kenyataan. Namun, mendadak semua itu terganggu tatkala muncul banyak tekanan dan penolakan Miyabi datang ke Indonesia.
”Kini, malah jadi masalah, dan akibatnya lumayan. Saat ini saya pusing dengan berbagai tekanan. Ternyata hal ini pun dirasakan pihak manajemen dan Miyabi sendiri. Namun, konsensus kami sudah tetap bahwa produksi film Menculik Miyabi terus berjalan, tapi dalam waktu yang belum ditentukan,” ujar Ody.
Kata Ody, tekanan yang sampai ke manajemen Miyabi memungkinkan jadwal kedatangan Miyabi dan proses produksi film diundur.
Dia mengaku tak habis pikir, apa yang jadi idenya justru menimbulkan ekses negatif yang begitu tinggi.
”Ide mendatangkan Miyabi dan menjadikannya bintang utama dalam film Menculik Miyabi ini sudah muncul sejak enam bulan lalu. Awalnya, saya merasakan bagaimana kondisi film produksi Indonesia mulai surut dalam kurun dua tahun terakhir. Kini sebuah film bisa ditonton 500.000 orang saja sudah hebat,” katanya.
Minimnya jumlah penonton film itu, kata Ody, kemungkinan karena masyarakat sudah bosan dengan jenis film yang ada, termasuk artis-artisnya. Maka, ide untuk mencampurkan pemain asing dan pemain lokal pun muncul.
”Itulah awalnya kenapa muncul ide mendatangkan Miyabi,” ujarnya.
”Saat itu kami mencari-cari lewat internet, siapa saja artis asing yang bagus, tapi dengan tarif kontrak yang cukup terjangkau. Alasan utamanya, ini bisnis yang harus menguntungkan, dan tetap jadi pilihan sebagai sebuah hiburan yang sehat. Jadi, bukan seperti anggapan yang ada sekarang bahwa ini nanti sama dengan film porno atau vulgar,” tutur pria yang sudah memproduseri 17 film lokal itu.
Ekses negatif ini memang tidak diduga oleh Ody. Pihak Maxima Pictures sebagai distributor dan rumah produksi film Menculik Miyabi harus menerima eskes negatif itu, salah satunya, kantor mereka didemo oleh massa dari sebuah LSM.
Ody pernah mengatakan, untuk melakukan kontrak dengan pihak manajemen Miyabi sangat tidak mudah dan butuh biaya besar.
”Sejumlah pembicaraan dan negosiasi kami lakukan hingga ke beberapa negara di mana Miyabi sedang berada. Nah, saat sudah ada lampu hijau, ternyata masalah datang. Seharusnya, orang tidak melihatnya dari satu sisi saja. Kenapa kesan porno itu yang selalu dimunculkan?" ujar pria yang pernah mendapat julukan sebagai produser khusus film horor ini.
Namun, semangat untuk tetap berkarya membuat film tampak jelas dari wajah dan suara lantang Ody. Pengalaman pernah mendapatkan cacian dari banyak orang tentang film horornya yang dinilai terlalu vulgar menampilkan lekuk tubuh wanita membuat Ody yakin bahwa dia masih bisa membuat film yang lebih baik.
”Saat ini kami akan mengatur jadwal ulang kedatangan Miyabi dan persiapan proses produksi film Menculik Miyabi. Sebab, kami tidak ingin masalah yang masih cukup hangat di masyarakat muncul lagi dan akhirnya mengganggu proses produksi," kata Ody.
Hal itu pun, kata dia, mendapat tanggapan positif dari pihak manajemen Miyabi. Yang jelas, persiapan tetap jalan, dan kami masih akan menentukan di mana lokasi terbaik untuk mulai syuting film berjenis komedi remaja ini.
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