Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009
Toko Action Figures tidak terindex
Mau berhenti dulu melakukan optimasi di kata kunci tersebut, karena blog ini akan fokus di Toko Action Figure Indonesia, semoga cepat terindex postingan pendek selepas buka puasa ini. Biasanya google lebih cepat melakukan index halaman yang tidak terlalu panjang dan membingungkan.
Saya berharap postingan pendek ini bisa terindex, saya mau istirahat dulu dari optimasi seo dan optimasi blog. Saya mau jalan-jalan dulu refreshing dan menghilangkan kepenatan di kepala.
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Stop Dreaming Start Action
Tadinya Blog Toko Action Figures Indonesia ini berniat mengikuti kontes SEO tersebut, akan tetapi nyali menjadi ciut saat melihat lawan-lawan yang begitu tanggung yang ikut bersaing di kontes seo Stop Dreaming Start Action. Saya memilih meneruskan dreaming dan tidak ikut action bertarung dengan sahabat-sahabat blogger lainnya di keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action.
Alasan pertama memang saya tidak punya skill dan kemampuan alasan keduanya kalau mau total bertarung di kontes seo yang sudah jelas menguras tenaga waktu dan pikiran, apa yang mau total karena saya tidak begitu mengerti dengan SEO baik Teknik SEO ataupun Tips SEO untuk memenangkan Kontes.
Untuk para peserta calon pemenang kontes seo stop dreaming start action selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, saya mau berangkat shalat tarawih dulu.
Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009
Spider Man Classics Action Figures
Mau mencari berita tentang Spiderman Action Figures sekalian mencari action figures toys store atau toko action figure Indonesia yang lengkap dan murah. Di Indonesia memang agak jarang orang yang menjual Action Figures yang asli, kita selalu harus membali dari luar negeri jika menginginkan action figures dengan kualitas tinggi, padahal para pembuat action figures di Indonesia cukup banyak dan mampu memproduksi action figure yang berkualitas dalam rangka mewujudkan Stop dreaming Start Action.
I literally blew the dust off of this bootleg toy in order to post it up on this site.
Among the Superhero genre, Batman, Superman and Spider-Man have to be the most bootlegged of all the super hero characters. This following bootleg toy is one of the better packaged ones I’ve come across.
It’s a boxed set called Spider-Man Classics (Yes, it’s nothing like the ‘real’ toy line). It’s a sweet looking set that comes with a couple of weapons and a Spidey shield.
Of course, since I bought the thing, the stand has slipped off of the twisties that were holding it up.
This bootleg toy comes with a ten inch Spidey figure, a couple of weapons and a Spidey shield. I’ve had this toy since at least 2003. Most bootleg toys come in packaging that is pretty flimsy. This particular toy comes in a well constructed box that can stand up to some pressure. The package states a 6″ figure is packaged, but I got the treat of a much larger figure.
Here’s a shot of the back of the box. Nothing special about it. Just a rip off of some Spider-Man artwork.
It’s not really visible in the picture, but the paint job of this figure leaves a little bit to be desired. I’m not going to complain much though. This was a well packaged bootleg toy. I never took the toy out of the box, so I really can’t speak to the playability (is that a word) of the Spidey figure. Five will get you ten that the back of the figure isn’t painted.
Still, isn’t this bootleg toy a pretty thing to look at?This toy just reminds me of how well packaged bootleg toys used to be. Nowawdays, if a bootleg toy comes in a box, the chances are the box is made of some pretty flimsy cardboard that can be crushed just by sneezing on it.
This bootleg Spidey figure is one of my favorite Spidey bootlegs. I like it so much that I let it lay in the bottom of a box for years and years. Can you just imagine how I’d treat this toy if I didn’t like it?